Work & Study

As many of our students, you are probably interested in having the opportunity to study and work in Canada. Well, if so, the Work & Study programs are perfect for you! These programs are designed for international students who wish to work in oder to support their expenses in Canada while they are studying. Sounds like a great combination, doesn’t it?

About these programs

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Ussually known as Co-Op programs, Work & Study programs are courses usually offered by private schools, and are designed specifically for international students. The Co-Op programs usually include a period of professional internships, which have a duration equal to the period of study the student attends. That is, if the program lasts one year in total, 6 months will be of study and 6 months will be of professional practices. During both periods, the student is entitled to work up to 20 hours per week. It sounds incredible, no? Contact us for more information!

What do I need?

For getting enrolled in a Work & Study program (Co-Op), students must meet the following requirements:
• Have a high school diploma
• Have at least a high intermediate or advanced English level.
• Have the necessary immigration documents.

Once your program Co-Op is completed, you will have a credential that has international recognition, usually this credential will be a certificate or diploma. Also, at the end of the program, you'll have Canadian work experience, extremely important factor if one of your goals is to stay in Canada at the end of your studies. Furthermore, you will gain skills and tools that will increase your curricular value, you will improve communication abilities and socialization skills, you will gain more confidence in yourself and also will also count with a new network of friends and professionals with whom you can count on to keep growing as a person.

What will I get from this?

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